Free “Guru Kreator” Application: A Digital Teaching Innovation in Online Learning

In online teaching, digital applications have become one of the innovations needed by teachers, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the presence of various digital applications can be a double-edged ‘blessing’; for the EdTech sector, these companies can experience an acceleration opportunity more rapidly than ever before. On the other hand, this pandemic situation has […]

The Importance of Teachers Having A Backward by Design Mindset

What goes through your mind when you are planning lessons for the students? Do you just focus on fulfilling your tasks and responsibilities as a teacher, or do you think about how your lesson plan will affect the lives of your students in the future? An effective lesson starts with creating a well-rounded lesson plan, […]

The Importance of “Backward by Design” in Creating Assessments

When was the last time you, teachers, were puzzled in creating assessments for your students? Creating assessments can be a daunting task for teachers, as it is not only as a part of routines, but they may wonder if the assessments they create will meet the expected learning outcomes. “In all limitations, every human must […]

Learning Management System (LMS): Its Definition and Types

Introduction Learning Management System (LMS) has been around in business since the 1990s. In recent years, they have become more popular due to the pandemic, as online learning has become more popular. An LMS is a tool that helps teachers manage online classes. It also allows students to be more engaged and get better learning […]

Teaching at the Right Level (TaRL): A Flexible Approach to Teaching in Kurikulum Merdeka

Kawan Kreator is certainly familiar with the discussion of the Kurikulum Merdeka. This curriculum focuses on diverse learning with the selection of essential materials to support the learning experience. One interesting aspect of the curriculum is its flexibility; teachers are given the autonomy to teach in a way that accommodates students’ abilities and capabilities. However, there are […]

Blended Learning:  A Learning Method in the Post-Pandemic Era

Introduction The way we learn has changed dramatically, from traditional classroom instruction to blended learning. What is blended learning? Blended learning is translated in Indonesian as ‘pembelajaran campuran’, where there is a combination of learning in the classroom and online learning. This article will help you understand what blended learning is, why blended learning is […]

Online Learning Challenges in Indonesia and Pakistan

The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly changed teaching methods, particularly at schools. One of the changes that occurred in the teaching and learning process during the pandemic is that both students and teachers are obliged to conduct lessons through online classes. These classes are not obviously easy for the changes required rapid adaptations from both teachers […]

Tips to make a Lesson Plan: How to create Essential Questions?

To begin a learning lesson, teachers should be able to design essential questions. These are meant to encourage the learners to think critically and participate actively in the learning process. Through essential questions, students will be able to understand the material more deeply, as well as applying it in their daily life. Then, what exactly […]

5 Practical Tips to Be A Creative Teacher

Who says only those who immerse in the field of arts could produce creativity? Nevertheless, teachers as educators are also encouraged to be creative since they play significant roles in designing and leading the learning lesson. However, have you ever been struggling to put out your best as a creative teacher during the pandemic? Kaufman […]