Teachers, are you familiar with Project-Based Learning, aren’t you? Or have you already started to apply the approach in your classroom?
Project-Based Learning, or PBL, is an instructional approach built upon students’ learning activities and problem-solving that are close to real life. Through these activities, students are given challenges or problems related to everyday life to be solved in a group (Goodman and Stivers, 2010).
The PBL approach is a direct implementation of Surat Edaran Mendikbud No.4 tahun 2020. By implementing the approach, teachers are expected to equip students with collaborative, teamwork, and compassion skills towards others.
Moreover, do you know why it is important for teachers to implement this approach in the learning process? Here are a few reasons.
- Students Are More Engaged in The Learning Activities
During PBL implementation, students are positioned as decision makers, observers, and able to present their work. This helps them get used to playing a greater role in the learning process. - Help Teachers to Develop Students’ Critical Thinking
This approach can help students to develop their critical thinking, explaining arguments, analyzing, and problem solving skills. In addition, teachers are more likely to emphasize the concept-thinking process rather than the teaching material. - Help Students to Cooperate and Collaborate Together
Through PBL, students learn to value cooperation and collaboration because different perspectives can contribute to their growth. This approach also helps students develop the habit of working together, in line with the Pancasila Student Profiles. - Teachers Can Boost Students’ Motivation and Confidence
Teachers can assess students’ projects and provide feedback by implementing PBL. This process helps students see their strengths and areas for growth, and encourages them to work harder. It also helps students build self-confidence by giving them the chance to socialize and get to know themselves better.
Finally, you know the reasons why project-based learning should be applied in the learning process, but you may be wondering how to get started. Therefore, there is a support system that helps you to implement this approach, which is called: Guru Kreator.
Guru Kreator is an online platform that can help teachers in developing the PBL in the learning process and provide you with creating authentic assessments in much more efficient and effective ways. Try Guru Kreator now, and our team will find a solution for your school’s needs!
Goodman, B., & Stivers, J. (2010). Project-based learning. Educational psychology, 2010, 1-8.
Iis Solekhah, S., Elvira Hoesein Radia. (2018). Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Project Based Learning Untuk
Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Matematika Kelas Ii Sd. Jurnal Didaktika Dwija Indria (SOLO), 6(2), 1–7.
Insyasiska, D., Zubaidah, S., & Susilo, H. (2017). Pengaruh project based learning terhadap motivasi belajar,
kreativitas, kemampuan berpikir kritis, dan kemampuan kognitif siswa pada pembelajaran
biologi. Jurnal pendidikan biologi, 7(1), 9-21.
Kodriyah, L. (2017). Project-based learning in the classroom for EFL learners; why and how. In National
Seminar Proceeding (pp. 336-342).
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(Author: https://www.freepik.com/author/odua)
Writer: Fauziyah Ilmi Maulida
Editor: Eunice Salim